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Share the Lifestyle

An initiative sponsored and created by Darren Hull Studios and inspired by Okanagan Lifestyle Apparel's #giftthelifestyle

Share the LifestyleThe good folks over at Okanagan Lifestyle seeded us with $50 to participate in their #Giftthelifestyle initiative. The idea was to take that money and do something kind within the Okanagan. We loved the idea and got to work. We knew right away we wanted to grow that money and attempt to keep the project alive past the holiday season. Share the Lifestyle was born.

The idea was to use our photography as the vehicle so we created one simple folded card that celebrate some of the elements that make the Okanagan the greatest place to live. A blank card that can be used for any occasion. Just to say hello, thank you, happy birthday, I love you, or just to rub it in that you don’t live in Winnipeg. That kind of thing.

We are going to take all the profits and split them into MORE (micro)acts of kindness. Sometimes it’s the little things that make a difference. It could be $20 to someone that looks like they could use a lift. $50 to the Pediatric Ward at KGH, help a budding entrepreneur that wants to start a small project. That kind of thing. We will share these acts with you as they happen.

Not only can these micro acts of kindness help others, we can keep this thread of kindness going through this and through you.

If you are a business and might want to help extend the reach further, we would love to chat… or you could just buy a boat load of cards. :)

Darren + Natel + Madden Hull
darrenhullstudios inc.


Ongoing Progress:


Cards Sold 


Gift the Lifestyle is a kindness initiative fueled by Okanagan Lifestyle Apparel inspired by the community for the community


The Card

One Card. Two Quantities. $20 5/Pack | $60 20/Pack
(Click though the photos below to learn more about the card and to purchase a set)

Okanagan Lifestyle
Darren Hull
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Get in touch about your card order or see how you can get involved.